{% set icon_check_circle %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'check-circle',
size: 'medium',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_pega_setting %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'pega-setting',
size: 'medium',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set icon_face_happy %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-icon/icon.twig' with {
name: 'face-happy',
size: 'medium',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set header_switch_button %}
{% include '@bolt-components-switch-button/switch-button.twig' with {
label: 'Only show unread notifications',
attributes: {
class: 'js-target-the-switch-button-container'
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set header_actions %}
{% include '@bolt-components-notifications/notifications-header-action.twig' with {
icon: icon_pega_setting,
label: 'Notification settings',
attributes: {
href: '#!',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set content %}
<div class="u-bolt-padding-top-large u-bolt-padding-right-medium u-bolt-padding-bottom-large u-bolt-padding-left-medium u-bolt-text-align-center">
<span class="u-bolt-margin-right-small">{{ icon_face_happy }}</span>You are all caught up!
{% endset %}
{% set footer_content %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-text-link/text-link.twig' with {
content: 'View all notifications',
reversed_underline: true,
expand_click_target: true,
attributes: {
href: '#!',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-notifications/notifications.twig' with {
header: {
switch_button: header_switch_button,
actions: header_actions,
content: content,
footer: {
content: footer_content,
} only %}